Finally, the name card has been printed. Actually, I wasted RM40 on a pile of sucky printed cards.
Sure, RM40 for 100 pieces but it came out looking bleurgh and like some kahuna’s ass. Not pretty.
Hence, taking cue from Tsuennie *I owe u big time for being the inspirator*, I used one of the smoke shots as a backdrop to a new card design.
Squeezed as much cards as I could into an A4 print and headed down to a print shop in Amcorp. RM4 for an A4 printed copy on professional photograph paper; it was a definite steal.
And, I love the outcome of it! It has a nice matte surface and the thickness is just about right. And it's really cool if I say so myself. HEHE
Wanted to go the extra mile and get it textured but shall leave it for the other set. It be fun, using different photos as backdrop, can make like some raymond’s calling card collection series. =.=
Anyhow, overall its RM 4 for 10 cards so 100 cards, RM 40? 100 times better then that cacat cacat cacat card printing shop.
4 Eye Balls:
aww, sorry that your first batch didn't turn out nicely.
print more print more! then do publicity at my college's event. you can GRACiously thank me later. ;)
no sweat! ;p looking forward to your calling card series: The transitioning of Ray.
muahahaha.. we can see how you evolve and who knows your cards could be collectors items!! hohoho seriously getting ahead of myself, but who knowsss?? stanger things have happened, LOL.
march: ah?
chloe: hehe, no sweat
haha, GRACiously like Shoppingly hor? ? :D
tsuen: fwah, transitioning of ray?? coolness
fwah.. that be a nice future :) stranger things like wert? hahaha
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