Tuesday, March 18


The robot was becoming a pain, pain to my wallet actually since i blew one IC and two motors. Why? Because I didn't check the power supply regulator pins properly.

So to put it in general public terms (non engineering terms), I was supposed to feed the robot some good high class food through one wire and it's supposed to shit out at another wire. But, I placed the wires wrongly.

Soon after, when it went erratic, with the servo motors jerking around *literally kies* and finally died. Both of them which costs rm 60 each... :S

Scrapped the first robot body and had built a new one segregating the main modules each on their own platform.

Learnt a lot of things through the mistake but it was a tad too costly.

Fed it its required high class food and now its a happy puppy.

0 Eye Balls:

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