Wednesday, April 2

Why to Me the Best Plan is no Plan

Have you ever been in such a situation: There’s this place that you really really want to go, but, after drawing up a super duper perfect plan, you seem to never reach the destination at all.

I’ve seen this occurring so much in my life, in other people’s life, in church and every organization that needs things to happen; it never does.

Why? Because simply we never did move forward. Planning is usually just a mask to hide the inertia of moving forward. You feel that you’ve accomplished something because of all the busyness around planning.

Yet, what I’ve found to be more effective is a similar slogan to ‘just do it’- ‘just pull the trigger’. I love the latter because it depicts of aiming and letting the bullets fly.

That’s where it’s remarkable; during the duration of the bullet’s travel to the intended mark, you don’t have control, you just let the bullet do its job.

It then becomes a hit or miss situation. With that, you have feedback and then you adjust for variables, aim and shoot again.

It somehow just works. Maybe because you have no expectations, if it fails so be it, if it works, you have an added bonus. I personally find the biggest obstacle in change is the fear of failure.

Also, it brings focus away from yourself, of your general personal perception. Sometimes we just go, “hey, I suck hence everything I do sucks” whilst most of the time it’s just the problem with the gun.

But I think ultimately, it’s a breaking down the resistance to change. It’s understood that we are beings of habit. So logically, to be able to habitually do something, we need to introduce it to our habit system.

But the crux is that, we are resistant to change hence we can’t inject that habit. I need to pull the trigger more, do you?

0 Eye Balls:

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